Uploading your file
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Last updated
Once you have prepared your file, upload your data to the platform. Match the columns of your file with the required information for the Cradle platform.
Upload your data by matching the columns in your file with the relevant options provided by Cradle. For example, match your sequence column with the "Protein sequence," your assays column with the assays you previously defined during the Assays step, your column with Sample IDs with "Sample ID," etc.
If you have additional data in your file, you can click on Don't import
for the platform to ignore these columns. If you don't match a column with anything, it won't be imported either.
After matching all the columns, you can click on Continue
to upload the file.
If Round ID and Batch ID columns were not specified during the column-matching step, you will be prompted to create and assign a batch and a round to your data at this stage.
For data generated in non-Cradle rounds, if you upload data from multiple rounds, you will be asked to arrange them in chronological order.
Once you have assigned rounds and batches, you will see an overview of the file upload. After clicking on Import
, you can upload more files to your project.
Learn more about rounds in Round ID and batches in Batch ID.
Once your data is imported, proceed to setting your Objectives.