Each round begins with generating a large set of sequences, followed by selecting a library tailored to your experimental capacity. After testing these sequences and uploading the results, you can iterate through multiple rounds until your objectives are met.
What is a round?
One experimental round includes a full cycle of designing sequences, testing these in the lab and learning from the results of your assays.
Each round should have a specific strategy for sequence generation. You can create multiple parallel rounds for different hypotheses.
Rounds at Cradle
Configure sequence design
Configure the desired design of your sequences. Each round consists of one sequence generation. If you want to try different strategies, you can create multiple rounds.
Learn more here Sequence generation.
Upload your lab results
To make sure that our models can learn and improve, you need to upload the results of your lab data.
By uploading the lab results, you train the model used to generate sequences for you. Based on this round's learnings, you set up a new round to further optimize your protein of interest.
Next steps
Once a round is created, you can begin configuring the Sequence generation for it.
Last updated